App Control Console: Console Does Not Load Properly After Upgrading App Control Server
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App Control Console: Console Does Not Load Properly After Upgrading App Control Server


Article ID: 289746


Updated On:


Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


Console does not load properly after upgrading the App Control Server. 


  • App Control Console: All Versions


Cause unknown.


  • Possible resolutions:
  1. Restart App Control Server and Reporter services
  2. Clear browser cache 
  • Perform following steps if issue occurs for a single User: 
  1. Have User log into Console
  2. Hover over '<name>' in the top-right corner
  3. Open 'User Settings' screen
  4. Select 'Reset Current Settings' in the Actions menu
  5. Hover over '<name>', select 'Logout'
  6. Log back into Console

Additional Information

  • Issue may be related to a slow API connection.
  • Using a different browser type may confirm browser cache needs to be cleared