Carbon Black Cloud: What is the expected memory usage of the sensor?
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Carbon Black Cloud: What is the expected memory usage of the sensor?


Article ID: 289745


Updated On:


Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense)


How much memory is the sensor expected to use on an endpoint? 


  • Carbon Black Cloud Sensor: All Versions
  • Microsoft Windows: All Versions
  • Linux: All Versions
  • macOS: All Versions


  • There is no set limitation on the memory used by an endpoint. Due to the uniqueness of each environment and server there is not a one size recommendation.
  • Devices with more activity, such as a file or database server may see more memory usage compared to an end user device
  • In the event an operating system needs more RAM, it is expected that the OS will swap out some of the sensor's memory

Additional Information

  • Carbon Black has a performance team working to make the devices as efficient as possible while still fully protecting the device. If there are concerns about an endpoint's memory usage, please open a case with VMware Carbon Black Support
  • There have been many improvements to memory consumption as of the 3.7 sensor. It is always recommended to use the most up-to-date sensor.