Carbon Black Cloud: Why are Events not/no longer visible in the console?
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Carbon Black Cloud: Why are Events not/no longer visible in the console?


Article ID: 289696


Updated On:


Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense) Carbon Black Cloud Enterprise EDR (formerly Cb Threathunter)


Why are Events not/no longer visible in the console?


  • Carbon Black Cloud Console: All Versions
  • Endpoint Standard (Formerly CBD): All supported Versions
  • EEDR (Formerly CBTH): All Supported Versions


The Data Retention Limit for the Org has been reached

Additional Information

  • Endpoint Standard: Alert Events (those with an AlertID) are stored for 180 days if they are associated with an alert, 30 days otherwise
  • EEDR: Events are stored for 30 days
  • In ES + EEDR orgs, the Investigate and Process Analysis page are working off the 30 day store that EEDR uses, so data retention is lowered