CB Response: Redis fails to start after upgrade to 6.4
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CB Response: Redis fails to start after upgrade to 6.4


Article ID: 289686


Updated On:


Carbon Black EDR (formerly Cb Response)


  • Upgrade fails to start services starting at redis
    • Starting cb-supervisord: [ OK ] 
      Stopping cb-supervisord: [ OK ] 
      Unable to start service: cb-redis 
      cb-enterprise auto-upgrade failure (exit code 1):
  • /var/log/messages shows a segfault due to Cylance
    • redis-server: segfault at 0 ip 0000 sp 0000 error 4 in cymemdeflinux_x64.so
  • No information is logged in redis logs


  • CB Response Server: 6.4
  • Cylance Installed


Cylance is blocking redis from starting


  • To start services up
    1. Stop Cylance
    2. Start Response
  • As a permanent solution Cylance will need to stop blocking Redis
    • Disable Memory Protection in Cylance
    • Add Redis to exclusions in Cylance

Additional Information

  • If the upgrade had not completed, run /usr/share/cb/cbupgrade after disabling Cylance. This will also start services up once complete
  • Cylance service may be named cylancesvc or cyprotect on the server