EDR: Is there a way to clean up sensors for license usage?
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EDR: Is there a way to clean up sensors for license usage?


Article ID: 289683


Updated On:


Carbon Black EDR (formerly Cb Response)


Is there any cleanup job that frees up licenses or will EDR automatically remove them after a specific period of time? 


  • EDR server: 6.x and Higher


License usage is calculated over a 24 hour period. Any sensor offline more than 24 hours will not be counted.

Additional Information

  • Up to EDR server version 7.1.1: Inactive sensors can be filtered from the UI https://community.carbonblack.com/t5/Knowledge-Base/EDR-Server-Automatically-Filter-Inactive-Sensors-from-the-User/ta-p/42833
  • From EDR server version 7.2.0 onwards: "Sensor Display Settings" feature on UI > Sensors page from server version can be used to filter inactive sensors from the UI