Carbon Black Cloud: What does it mean when an application has a hash of 010101...01?
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Carbon Black Cloud: What does it mean when an application has a hash of 010101...01?


Article ID: 289632


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Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense)


What does it mean when the hash for an application shows as a long chain of zeroes and ones (010101...01), or when this message is seen for a process shown as UNKNOWN?
Origin: The file with hash 0101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101 was detected by Carbon Black.


  • Carbon Black Cloud Console: All Versions
    • Audit and Remediation (was CB LiveOps)
    • Endpoint Standard (was CB Defense)
    • Enterprise EDR (was CB ThreatHunter)
    • Managed Detection (was CB ThreatSight)
  • Apple macOS: All Supported Versions


The 0101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101 'synthetic' hash is expected if
  • The process is spawned by a processes that is part of a 'Performs any operation > Bypass' Permissions rule
    A invokes B, B exhibits behavior
    When A is "bypass any operation", behavior of B is reported with the 010101...01 hash
  • When such child processes exhibit network or API behavior, the event actor process will be reported with the 'synthetic' hash
    A belongs to a 'Performs any operation > Bypass' rule
    A invokes B, B makes a network connection or API call
    A will be reported with the 010101...01 hash