Correctly interpreting multi-byte characters would require the use of different encoding (like UTF-8) which does support multi-byte characters.
There is work underway to improve overall internationalization to support a wider spectrum of languages.
Feel free to vote for to see changes made to the encoding used for the REST API in future versions of Cb Defense.
Common languages using multi-byte character sets:
- Armenian
- Arabic
- Barents Cyrillic
- Celtic
- CentEuro
- ChineseSimp / EUC-CN
- ChineseTrad / Big5
- Croatian
- Cyrillic
- Devanagari
- Farsi (Persian)
- Gaelic
- Georgian
- Greek
- Gujarati
- Gurmukhi
- Hebrew
- Iceland
- Inuit
- Japanese / ShiftJIS
- Korean / EUC-KR
- Latin (Kermit)
- Maltese/Esperanto
- Ogham / I.S. 434
- Roman
- Romanian
- Sámi
- Thai / TIS-620
- Turkish
- Turkic Latin
- Turkic Cyrillic
- Ukrainian