CB Response: Solr optimization job failing: 'Job solr_optimize was not run because cb-enterprise is stopped'
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CB Response: Solr optimization job failing: 'Job solr_optimize was not run because cb-enterprise is stopped'


Article ID: 289556


Updated On:


Carbon Black EDR (formerly Cb Response)


  • Solr optimization job is failing.
  • Following message found in /var/log/cb/job-runner/job-runner.log file:
<debug> [solr_optimize] Job solr_optimize was not run because cb-enterprise is stopped.



  • CB Response Server: All Versions
  • CB Response Cluster


Root cause is currently unknown.


  1. Open the '/etc/cb/cron/cb.cron.template' file to edit 
  2. Modify line for 'solr_optimize' cron job by adding the -f option: 
0 0 * * * cb /usr/share/cb/virtualenv/bin/python -m cb.maintenance.job_runner -s -q -f solr_optimize >> /var/log/cb/job-runner/startup.out 2>&1
  1. Perform a restart of the CB Response services: http://community.carbonblack.com:80/t5/Knowledge-Base/Cb-Response-How-to-restart-server-services/ta-p/41294 

Additional Information

  • Modification of  '/etc/cb/cron/cb.cron.template' file should be performed on all nodes 
  • Escalation to Engineering Team was opened for issue (EA-13556), however root cause was never determined.
  • Blocking processes in a very busy environment is considered the likely cause.
  • Messages have been known to clear over time.