Carbon Black Cloud: EDR Alert Action events show up in VMware Carbon Black Cloud App for Splunk
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Carbon Black Cloud: EDR Alert Action events show up in VMware Carbon Black Cloud App for Splunk


Article ID: 289530


Updated On:


Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense) Carbon Black Cloud Enterprise EDR (formerly Cb Threathunter) Carbon Black EDR (formerly Cb Response)


Events generated by the EDR (On-Prem) product appear in the Carbon Black Cloud Splunk app


  • Carbon Black Cloud console
    • Endpoint Standard
    • Enterprise EDR
  • Carbon Black EDR server (On-Prem): 7.2 and above
  • VMware Carbon Black Cloud App for Splunk: 1.x
  • VMware Carbon Black EDR On-Prem for Splunk: 3.0.1
  • Splunk: 8.x


Inter-operability issue between Carbon Black Cloud and EDR (On-Prem) Splunk apps


This issue will be fixed in a future release of the VMware Carbon Black Cloud App for Splunk