EDR: How to Pull Watchlist Alerts From Solr
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EDR: How to Pull Watchlist Alerts From Solr


Article ID: 289519


Updated On:


Carbon Black EDR (formerly Cb Response)


Pull related alerts for a watchlist


  • EDR Server: All Supported Versions


  1. Open an SSH session to the EDR Master server
  2. Get the affected watchlist's ID. Substitute watchlist_name with the name of the watchlist in the UI
    • psql cb -p 5002 -c "select id from watchlist_entries where name='watchlist_name'"
  3. Pull the alerts for the watchlist. Substitute id with the ID from step 2
    • curl ''

Additional Information

  • Query will return the first 10 results. To return more results, add '&rows=<number_of_rows>' after '&indent=true'
    • curl ''
  • Additional settings like creation time can be added to the query in URL encoding format. This will pull all alerts starting at 07/01/2019
curl '\[2019-07-01T00%3A00%3A00.000Z+TO+*\]&wt=json&indent=true'