CB Response: Sensor upgrade locks yum services
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CB Response: Sensor upgrade locks yum services


Article ID: 289453


Updated On:


Carbon Black EDR (formerly Cb Response)


  • Sensor install.log shows that the installation never completed
    • Running transaction
        Updating   : cbsensor-v6.1.10.10169-1.x86_64                              1/3
  • Yum update process for cbsensor is still running days after the upgrade
    • /usr/bin/python /bin/yum install -y /var/lib/cb/setup-redhat7.rpm
  • Yum lockout errors in /var/log/messages
    • /usr/bin/python /opt/chef/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/chef-12.22.1/lib/chef/provider/package/yum/yum-dump.py --options --installed-provides --yum-lock-timeout 600 returned 200#033[0m
  • Sensor health status is 50 Driver Failure


  • CB Response Sensor: 6.1.10
  • Chef yum-dump.py 


Upgrade script does not timeout if the upgrade gets stuck


  • Sensor version 6.2 and higher no longer uses yum to upgrade the sensor
  • As a workaround, manually kill the yum update process
    1. Find the yum update process
      • ps -ef | grep cb
    2. Kill the process

Additional Information

Sensor may require a server reboot to complete the upgrade in a healthy state