EDR: How to start and stop YARA connector services
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EDR: How to start and stop YARA connector services


Article ID: 289432


Updated On:


Carbon Black EDR (formerly Cb Response)


Provide information on starting and stopping the YARA connector and manager services.


  • EDR Server: All versions
  • YARA Connector: All versions


CentOS / Red Hat 6
  • Start the YARA services: 
    service cb-yara-connector start
    service cb-yara-manager start
  • Stop the YARA services:
    service cb-yara-connector stop
    service cb-yara-manager stop
  • Display the status of YARA services: 
    service cb-yara-connector status
    service cb-yara-manager status


CentOS / Red Hat 7

  • Start the YARA services: 
    systemctl start cb-yara-connector
    systemctl start cb-yara-manager
  • Stop the YARA services: 
    systemctl stop cb-yara-connector
    systemctl stop cb-yara-manager
  • Display the status of YARA services:
    systemctl status -l cb-yara-connector
    systemctl status -l cb-yara-manager

Additional Information

If you would like the services to start automatically when Linux starts, you can run the following commands:

CentOS / Red Hat 6
chkconfig cb-yara-connector on
chkconfig cb-yara-manager on

CentOS / Red Hat 7:
systemctl enable cb-yara-connector
systemctl enable cb-yara-manager