App Control: Webex as a Trusted Updater and Trusted Publisher
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App Control: Webex as a Trusted Updater and Trusted Publisher


Article ID: 289385


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Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


Customers utilizing Webex may experience blocks when Webex is launching/updating.
There should also be a block event in the Events page


  • App Control 7.x and Higher 


Webex files change and/or update frequently.


The two best options are to enable Webex Trusted Updaters and to enable Webex as a trusted publisher.

Enable Webex as a Trusted Updater using the following process

1) Login to the Console

2) Navigate to Rules > Software Rules > Updaters

3) Add filter, Name contains Webex

4) There should be four updaters labeled in the following manner:

     a) WebEx for Chrome

     b) WebEx for Firefox

     c) WebEx for Internet Explorer

     d) Webex Productivity Tools

5) Its possible to enable all of them (depending on the environment), but at the very least enable Webex Productivity Tools and the Webex Updater for whichever browser is the default.

Enable Webex as a trusted Publisher using the following process

1) Login to the Console

2) Navigate to Rules > Software Rules > Publishers

3) Search for “Cisco WebEx LLC” (with no quotation marks)

4) Click on “View Details” to the left of the “Cisco WebEx LLC”

5) It's possible to enable “Cisco WebEx LLC” as a trusted publisher with the following process:

     State: Approved (also, check the “Enable reputation approvals for this publisher” box)

     Acknowledged: Yes (this doesn’t change the state of the Publisher)

     Description: optional

     Platforms: This is up to the need (Windows, Mac, Linux, or any combo of the three can be enabled)

6) Click on Save