App Control: Missing Buttons on Block Notifiers with 4K Monitors
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App Control: Missing Buttons on Block Notifiers with 4K Monitors


Article ID: 289329


Updated On:


Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


On endpoints that receive a file block notification in Medium Enforcement, the typical "Request to submit this file for approval" button, normally to the left of the "OK" button, is missing, and the 'Please click here to request' test is cut in half.


  • App Control (formerly CB Protection): Observed on (Patch 4)
  • Observed on Windows 10 Anniversary (Patch 1607)
  • Observed on Lenovo P51 (4K Resolution) monitors
  • Observed on all available resolutions, as long as the Lenovo P51 monitor was used


EP-4572 has been filed for investigation of this issue in consideration for future releases of App Control. 


  • This issue has not been reported in 8.1.x and Higher and 8.0 is no longer supported. 
  • If this issue happens in 8.1.x please reach out and open a support case.