CB Response: Watchlist is Hitting Some But Not All the Qualified Watchlist Hits
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CB Response: Watchlist is Hitting Some But Not All the Qualified Watchlist Hits


Article ID: 289282


Updated On:


Carbon Black EDR (formerly Cb Response)


A watchlist is recording hits but some behavior that should be hitting the watchlist doesn't get hit


CB Response: 6.1.x and Higher


Watchlists have a maximum of 100 hits by default


  1. While logged in as root user 
  2. Edit the /etc/cb/cb.conf file
  3. Add WatchlistSearchMaxTags=<Value>
  4. Save the settings 
  5. Restart the services following this

Additional Information

  • If watchlists are getting more hits than this, then it's recommended to narrow down the behavior they monitor
  • This value can be increased but it's not recommended to go past 200 
  • The watchlist will only hit once on the same running process for the same behavior in order to limit noise