Sensor Gateway: Retrieving Registration Code Fails With "Failed to Retrieve Code for Sensor Gateway"
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Sensor Gateway: Retrieving Registration Code Fails With "Failed to Retrieve Code for Sensor Gateway"


Article ID: 289257


Updated On:


Carbon Black Cloud Workload


  • When trying to retrieve a registration code for a sensor gateway url it fails with error
    Failed to Retrieve Code for Sensor Gateway
  • .HAR file may show http 500 error


  • Carbon Black Cloud Console: All Supported Versions
  • Sensor Gateway: All Supported Versions


  • This can be caused by the Sensor Gateway URL having a / at the end of it
  • https://sensor.gateway.url/ instead of https://sensor.gateway.url


Removing the / at the end of the Sensor Gateway URL
  1. Remove the existing docker container 
    docker rm -f <container id>
  2. Run the installation script
  3. Configure everything the same except remove the training slash in the Sensor Gateway entry point URL
  4. Verify the Connect to Carbon Black Cloud through Sensor Gateway Registration Code now works