EDR: Can Old Postgres Versions Be Uninstalled After Upgrading Server?
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EDR: Can Old Postgres Versions Be Uninstalled After Upgrading Server?


Article ID: 289237


Updated On:


Carbon Black EDR (formerly Cb Response)


Can old versions of PostgreSQL be uninstalled after an EDR Server upgrade installs a new major version? Example:
Can postgres 10.17 be removed after the EDR Server 7.6.0 upgrade installs 13.4?


  • EDR Server: All Versions


Yes, old versions of PostgreSQL are no longer needed by EDR Server and can be safely removed.

Additional Information

  • Review the Third Party Software Updates section of EDR Server Release Notes for potential upgrades to postgres.
  • A yum remove command should be sufficient to uninstall old postgres versions. Example:
    yum remove postgresql10 postgresql10-libs postgresql10-server