App Control: How to enable API debugging on the console
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App Control: How to enable API debugging on the console


Article ID: 289163


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Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


How to enable API debugging on the console for performance testing


  • App Control Server: 8.x and Higher
  • API script or command 


  1. Open the App Control Console and click on Rules > Updaters > Server Tamper Protection > Click 'Disable' 
  2. In the same browser, open the page https://<servername>/shepherd_config.php 
    1. Use the dropdown to find the value: "API_DebugLevel"
    2. Set value to: 6 
  3. Open a new tab in the same browser and go to: https://<servername>/support.php 
    1. Start Server logging
    2. Set logging levels to High, and check SQL trace
  4. Reproduce the API call
  5. On the support.php page, stop the logging
  6. Go to Tools > Requested Files > Diagnostics Files (tab) and collect the logs
  7. Set API_DebugLevel back to '0' on the https://<servername>/shepherd_config.php
  8. Re-enable the Server Tamper Protection Updater
  9. Upload the collected logs including the API.log to the CB Vault