EDR: What do the different values for "Power State" mean in the Sensor Details page on the WebUI?
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EDR: What do the different values for "Power State" mean in the Sensor Details page on the WebUI?


Article ID: 289141


Updated On:


Carbon Black Hosted EDR (formerly Cb Response Cloud)


What do the different values for "Power State" mean in the Sensor Details page on the WebUI?


  • EDR Server: All Versions
  • EDR Windows Sensor: All Supported Version
  • Windows OS: All Supported Versions


There are three possible values (2, 1, and 0) for the "Power State" in the Sensor Details page:
  • SERVICE_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN which is when the os is being shutdown we set that value to 2 = powerstate::shutdown_state
  • SERVICE_CONTROL_POWEREVENT:PBT_APMRESUMEAUTOMATIC (resuming) we set to 0 - powerstate::running_state
  • SERVICE_CONTROL_POWEREVENT:PBT_APMSUSPEND (suspending) we set to  1 - powerstate::suspended_state