Cb Response: Can you move all of the directories from their default location during installation?
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Cb Response: Can you move all of the directories from their default location during installation?


Article ID: 289091


Updated On:


Carbon Black EDR (formerly Cb Response)


Can you relocate the directories for the CB Response installation from their default location?


  • Cb Response Server: All Versions


No, you cannot move all of the directories to different locations from their defaults, because services will fail to start.

Additional Information

  • You can successfully relocate the /var/cb/data directory, because it contains event data, and not the criitcal files used for starting services.
  • The data directory location can be changed in the /etc/cb/cb.conf file.
  • Here is an example of the error message you would get starting the Cb Response cluster if the default paths are not used for the services
[root@server cb]# /usr/share/cb/cbcluster start 
Validating privileges on remote nodes. 
Node[ 1] Connecting to <SERVERNAME>... 
Privileges confirmed on minion nodes. 

Node[ 1] Connecting to <SERVERNAME>... 
Node[0 ] cb-enterprise start on localhost... 
Node[ 1] cb-enterprise start on <SERVERNAME>... 
Node[ 1] Connecting to <SERVERNAME>... 
Node[ 1] ==== <SERVERNAME> ==== 
Node[ 1] [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/var/cb/nginx/props/nginx.runtime.user.prop' 
Node[ 1] Traceback (most recent call last): 
Node[ 1] File "/usr/share/cb/virtualenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cb/utils/exceptions.py", line 70, in decorator 
Node[ 1] File "/usr/share/cb/virtualenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cb/maintenance/cbstartup/main.py", line 165, in main 
Node[ 1] File "/usr/share/cb/virtualenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cb/maintenance/cbstartup/main.py", line 111, in run 
Node[ 1] File "/usr/share/cb/virtualenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cb/maintenance/cbstartup/actions/populate_nginx_props.py", line 145, in execute 
Node[ 1] File "/usr/share/cb/virtualenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cb/maintenance/cbstartup/actions/populate_nginx_props.py", line 25, in apply_common_props 
Node[ 1] File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/contextlib.py", line 17, in __enter__ 
Node[ 1] return self.gen.next() 
Node[ 1] File "/usr/share/cb/virtualenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cb/maintenance/cbstartup/actions/populate_nginx_props.py", line 14, in prop_writer 
Node[ 1] IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or direct 
Node[ 1] ory: '/var/cb/nginx/props/nginx.runtime.user.prop' 
Node[0 ] [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/var/cb/nginx/props/nginx.runtime.user.prop' 
Node[0 ] Traceback (most recent call last): 
Node[0 ] File "/usr/share/cb/virtualenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cb/utils/exceptions.py", line 70, in decorator 
Node[0 ] File "/usr/share/cb/virtualenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cb/maintenance/cbstartup/main.py", line 165, in main 
Node[0 ] File "/usr/share/cb/virtualenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cb/maintenance/cbstartup/main.py", line 111, in run 
Node[0 ] File "/usr/share/cb/virtualenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cb/maintenance/cbstartup/actions/populate_nginx_props.py", line 145, in execute 
Node[0 ] File "/usr/share/cb/virtualenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cb/maintenance/cbstartup/actions/populate_nginx_props.py", line 25, in apply_common_props 
Node[0 ] File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/contextlib.py", line 17, in __enter__ 
Node[0 ] return self.gen.next() 
Node[0 ] File "/usr/share/cb/virtualenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cb/maintenance/cbstartup/actions/populate_nginx_props.py", line 14, in prop_writer 
Node[0 ] IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/var/cb/nginx/props/nginx.runtime.user.prop' 
Node[0 ] Exec failure (1) 
Node[0 ] 
Node[0 ] Error during cb-enterprise start on localhost 
Node[ 1] Error during cb-enterprise start on <SERVERNAME>