EDR: How to deploy sensor certificates via GPO to disconnected endpoints
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EDR: How to deploy sensor certificates via GPO to disconnected endpoints


Article ID: 289037


Updated On:


Carbon Black EDR (formerly Cb Response)


Deploy sensor certificates registry keys via GPO to disconnected endpoints with mismatched settings for sensor group certificates.


  • EDR (formerly CB Response) Sensor: All Versions
  • Microsoft Windows: All Supported Versions


  1. Install new sensor installer on one of the endpoint.
  2. Confirm its working and connected/registered with the EDR console
  3. Copy over client certs from registry of new sensor to non-working/recently-migrated sensor's registry
    • Pre-6.2.3-win sensor:
      • HKLM\SOFTWARE\CarbonBlack\config\SensorClientCert 
      • HKLM\SOFTWARE\CarbonBlack\config\SensorClientKey 
    • 6.2.3-win and above:
      • HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\carbonblackk\SensorClientCert
      • HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\carbonblackk\SensorClientKey 
  4. Force check-in from endpoint and validate connectivity/registration
    1. Open cmd prompt
    2. Run:
sc control CarbonBlack 200
  1. Push the changes to all sensors through GPO (Group Policy)