Linux upgrade Failed with error "Software Upgrade process failed (Download Failure)"
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Linux upgrade Failed with error "Software Upgrade process failed (Download Failure)"


Article ID: 289008


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Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense) Carbon Black Cloud Enterprise EDR (formerly Cb Threathunter)


\var\opt\carbonblack\psc\log will have the following error messages:

[2023-08-22 07:22:58.056353] [1018:1064] [E] SwUpgradeTool : GetUpgradeBits : Could not download sensor update; PscCommsError=ConnectionTimedOut; cancelling upgrade
[2023-08-22 07:22:58.056401] [1018:1064] [E] SwUpgradeTool : FailUpgrade : Software Upgrade process failed (Download Failure)
[2023-08-22 07:22:58.059383] [1018:1064] [I] SwUpgradeState : SetState : Persisted SwUpgradeState Failed
[2023-08-22 07:22:58.060992] [1018:1064] [I] SwUpgradeState : SetAgentVersion : Persisted SwUpgradeAgentVersion
[2023-08-22 07:22:58.061008] [1018:1064] [I] SwUpgradeTool : FailUpgrade : Upgrade mode cleared
[2023-08-22 07:22:58.061015] [1018:1064] [I] SwUpgradeThread : SendTelemetryEvent : Sending event for upgrade failure
[2023-08-22 07:22:58.064724] [1018:1064] [I] SwUpgradeThread : ThreadLoop : End of software upgrade process



  • Carbon Black Cloud Linux Sensor: 2.15
  • Linux: All Supported Versions


  • The CentOS/RedHat package, has 348MB size, demands a bandwidth greater than 2MB/s for successful downloading.
  • CBC sensors impose 3-minute limit for software downloads. If a download fails, it retries repeatedly.
  • Sensor does not support resumable download, so it starts over from scratch on every download.


Additional Information

Some environments may be unable attain consistent high bandwidth.