App Control: Running "Dascli Validatecerts" on Server 2003/XP Causes Memory Usage Spike
Article ID: 288981
Updated On:
Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)
Running the "Dascli validatecerts" command line to locally revalidate certificates on a Server 2003/XP system results in growing memory usage by the Parity.exe process until it crashes
Same behavior is seen when the "Allow approval of software with expired certificates" is disabled on the System Configuration > Advanced Options page
App Control Windows Agent: All Versions
Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Microsoft Windows XP
This is caused by memory leak in the Operating System's update root certificates module
Avoid running the "Dascli validatecerts" command locally on Server 2003/XP systems
Avoid unchecking the "Allow approval of software with expired certificates" checkbox on the System Configuration > Advanced Options page
Alternatively, disable the Operating System's automatic update root certificates module:
Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs > Remove Windows Components > Uncheck the box for "Update Root Certificates" > Apply the change
(this change requires manual managements of root certificates on the Server 2003/XP system)