App Control: Bad Rule Causing Mass Blocks / Systems to not start
Article ID: 288953
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Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)
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Systems unable to start due to a rule blocking action End-users seeing mass blocks Previously approved software is now blocked
App Control: All Supported Versions Microsoft SQL Server: All Supported Versions
A bad or unsatisfactory block rule was created or modified
If the App Control Server/Database is down:
Boot server(s) into safe mode Go to Start > Run > services.msc Set App Control agent service to disabled Start Windows normally Open an admin CMD promt Run command:
fltmc unload paritydriver
Remove the offending rule in the next section, then pick up again on step 8 of "correcting agents" section
Removing the offending rule:
Login to the App Control console Determine which rule is causing the block:
Disable the offending rule. Navigate to Assets > Computers Confirm agents match "Current CL Version" for the server
Options to correct agents that are unable to boot or receive configlist updates :
Uninstall/Reinstall the agent
Update the CL of Effected Machines:
Boot effected machines(s) into safe mode Go to Start > Run > services.msc Set CB Protection agent service to disabled Start Windows normally Open an admin CMD promt Run command:
fltmc unload paritydriver
Go to Start > Run > services.msc Set App Control agent service to automatic startup Start App Control agent service In command prompt, run commands:
cd c:\program files (x86)\bit9\parity agent
dascli status
Under "Server Information", wait for confliglist line to say <CLINumber> of <CLINumber> 100% (or higher than value found in "Removing the Rule" )
Restart Device Confirm device is checking back into CB Console
Additional Information
Uninstalling/reinstalling agents will cause them to go through initialization. Please refer to user guide