Carbon Black Cloud: Is a Reboot Required After Sensor Upgrade?
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Carbon Black Cloud: Is a Reboot Required After Sensor Upgrade?


Article ID: 288951


Updated On:


Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense) Carbon Black Cloud Enterprise EDR (formerly Cb Threathunter)


Does upgrading the Carbon Black Cloud Sensor subsequently require or force a reboot?


  • Carbon Black Cloud Sensor: All Supported Versions


  • Upgrades do not require a reboot, unless needed to initialize newly introduced drivers (see Additional Notes).
  • Sensors left in a Bypass Error Status post-upgrade may require a reboot to remediate.
  • Endpoints will never be forcefully rebooted after upgrading the Sensor, unless specified by a third-party utility (e.g. SCCM). 

Additional Information

  • The 3.7 Windows Sensor introduced an additional driver that monitors the storage volume for ransomware attacks against the MBR.
  • Upgrades from pre-3.7 Sensor versions to 3.7 or higher will require a reboot to gain the benefit of this new ransomware functionality.