CB Defense: Why are Some Microsoft Office 365 Updates Blocked?
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CB Defense: Why are Some Microsoft Office 365 Updates Blocked?


Article ID: 288923


Updated On:


Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense)


Why are some Microsoft Office 365 updates blocked when launched through the OfficeClickToRun.exe update mechanism?


  • CB Defense Sensor: All versions
  • CB Defense PSC Console: All versions
  • Micorosft Windows: All supported versions
  • Microsoft Office 365


These updates may include unsigned, new files such as ChakraCore.dll that are open source and initially flagged as PUPs

Additional Information

  • Since these files are unsigned and open source, the PUP reputation is initially applied
  • Initially trusting these files carries risk in case of supply chain compromise of open source software
  • Once the files are ingested into the CDC-R, the reputation should be updated