Carbon Black Cloud: Signed Files Blocked by CBC sensor Due to Unknown Reputation
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Carbon Black Cloud: Signed Files Blocked by CBC sensor Due to Unknown Reputation


Article ID: 288912


Updated On:


Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense)


  • Newly dropped files are blocked due to sharing violations when the Sensor attempts to extract signature information 
  • The sensor does not retry the certificate check and applies an Unknown reputation 
  • If no other reputation source (such as Cloud) provides a better reputation, the process starts with the Unknown reputation and may be blocked


  • Carbon Black Cloud Console: All versions
  • Carbon Black Cloud Sensor: 3.4.x.x 
  • Microsoft Windows: All supported versions


This is a known issue currently under investigation


  • This issue will be addressed in a future sensor release
  • This article will be updated when the fix is available

Additional Information

  • Enabling "Delay Execute For Cloud Scan" will help prevent these blocks because the Sensor is more likely to obtain a Cloud reputation
  • Offline Sensors and Sensor with connectivity issues may be more prone to these blocks due to inability to obtain a Cloud reputation