Endpoint Standard: How to Troubleshoot Local Mirror Server Update Issues
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Endpoint Standard: How to Troubleshoot Local Mirror Server Update Issues


Article ID: 288907


Updated On:


Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense)


Troubleshoot why a local mirror server is not obtaining updates 


  • Endpoint Standard (formerly CB Defense): All supported versions
  • Local Mirror: All supported versions
  • Linux OS: All supported versions
  • Microsoft Windows: All supported versions


  1. Check the scheduled task or cron job and ensure the local mirror update is running as expected 
    • Check the task for syntax errors and ensure directory paths are correct
    • Run update manually to confirm issues with schedule
  2. Ensure the local mirror can reach CB's update server 
    • The update scripts direct the local mirror server to http://updates2.cdc.carbonblack.io/update2
    • ping and nslookup can be run against updates2.cdc.carbonblack.io
    • Use a web browser to download the master.idx file to check for access denied errors 
  3. If the local mirror server can reach the update server and download the master.idx, check proxy and perimeter firewall logs to determine if the issue is with downloading larger files
  4. Ensure there is no packet inspection of traffic between the local mirror and CB's update server performed by firewall or proxy
  5. If issues persist, reboot the local mirror to ensure there are no process holds on update files preventing the update
  6. If still not resolved, create a new local mirror (requires a new download directory and reconfiguring web server to this new directory) 
  • The new local mirror is created when running the command in Step 4 (both Windows and Linux) from the Local Mirror KB

Additional Information

  • Typically the issue is caused by the scheduled update of the local mirror server not running as expected
  • ProcMon and pcaps can also be used to investigate the local mirror update process