Cb Defense: How to Identify Whitelisted Certs That Should be Updated for the 3.3 Mac Sensor
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Cb Defense: How to Identify Whitelisted Certs That Should be Updated for the 3.3 Mac Sensor


Article ID: 288883


Updated On:


Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense)


Identify Whitelisted certificates that should be updated for the 3.3.x.x and higher Mac Sensor


  • Cb Defense PSC Console: November '18 Release and Later
  • Cb Defense Sensor: Version 3.3.x.x and Higher
  • Apple macOS: 10.10.x and Higher
  • Certificate Whitelisting is configured


  1. In the PSC Console, Navigate to Enforce > Reputation
  2. Select "Whitelist" from upper right
  3. Sort list by Type
  4. Review the Whitelisted certificates that apply to macOS Sensors 
  5. Any certificates Whitelisted by Organization Name that may cover personal- or developer-level certificates under the Organization Name should be updated to Common Name
  6. Follow steps in https://community.carbonblack.com/t5/Knowledge-Base/Cb-Defense-How-to-Update-Certificate-Whitelist-for-3-3-Sensor-on/ta-p/64717 to update Whitelisted certificates

Additional Information

  • Updating these certificate Whitelists to include the issuer Common Name will increase security efficacy by allowing the sensor to differentiate between Organization certificates and personal or developer level certificates
  • It is recommended to maintain the current certificate Whitelists configured for Organization Name in conjunction with the newly configured certificate Whitelists for Common Name during the process of upgrading to 3.3.x.x and higher
  • Certificate Whitelisting has a global effect, so the previously configured Certificate Whitelists should remain in place until all sensors are upgraded to 3.3.x.x or higher
  • An additional waiting period of approximately 30 days after upgrade to Sensor version 3.3 is recommended prior to removing the Organization Name Whitelists
  • This waiting period will help prevent False Positives during the file Reputation transition resulting from the Certificate update
  • The Certificate Whitelists configured for Organization Name should be removed after upgrade to Sensor version 3.3 and the recommended waiting period has elapsed