Endpoint Standard: How to Force 3.3.x.x and Higher Sensors With RepCLI Authentication Enabled to Update
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Endpoint Standard: How to Force 3.3.x.x and Higher Sensors With RepCLI Authentication Enabled to Update


Article ID: 288877


Updated On:


Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense)


After implementing the Signature Pack fix for the August 1, 2019 issue https://community.carbonblack.com/t5/Knowledge-Base/CB-Defense-Signature-Pack-Version-Has-Not-Updated-Since-August-1/ta-p/77662, force Sensors to update immediately rather than allowing the update window to elapse


  • Endpoint Standard Sensor: 3.3.x.x and higher
  • Endpoint Standard Console: All versions
  • RepCLI Authentication Enabled
  • Microsoft Windows: All supported versions


If Sensor was rebooted to resolve the issue, two forced updates are required:
  1. To force the first update that will resolve the current Sensor state
    1. Open Administrator command prompt and change directory to Confer
      cd C:\Program Files\Confer
    2. Run the following command (this requires RepCLI authentication)
      repcli cloud metadata
    3. Confirm that  C:\Program Files\Confer\datafile2 is updated
    4. Run the update command
      repcli updateavsignature
  2. To then force the incremental Signature pack update
    1. Run the following command from the C:\Program Files\Confer directory
      repcli cloud metadata
    2. Confirm that C:\Program Files\Confer\datafile2 is updated
    3. Run the update command
      repcli updateavsignature
If the Sensor was upgraded to, one forced update is required
  1. Open Administrator command prompt and change directory to Confer
    cd C:\Program Files\Confer
  2. Run the following command (this requires RepCLI authentication)
    repcli cloud metadata
  3. Ensure that C:\Program Files\Confer\datafile2 is updated
  4. Run the update command
    repcli updateavsignature
If the Sensor is or higher, one forced update is required
  1. Open Administrator command prompt and change directory to Confer
    cd C:\Program Files\Confer
  2. Run the following command (this requires RepCLI authentication)
    repcli cloud metadata
  3. Ensure that C:\Program Files\Confer\datafile2 is updated
  4. Run the update command
    repcli localscanner updatesignature

Additional Information

  • The Signature pack version will be updated to the following or later once issue is resolved
  • Additional reboots can also be used to force Sensor updates after the initial reboot or Sensor upgrade