App Control: How to Confirm KEXTs are Installed and Loaded Successfully on MacOS
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App Control: How to Confirm KEXTs are Installed and Loaded Successfully on MacOS


Article ID: 288853


Updated On:


Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


Confirm if KEXTs are installed and loaded in the operating system


  • App Control Agent (formerly CB Protection): All Supported Versions
  • Apple MacOS: All Supported Versions


  1. Open a Terminal Window
  2. Run the following commands:
  • Run the following command to confirm if the KEXTs are installed
kextstat | grep -s com.bit9
  • Run the following command to confirm if the KEXT are loaded
kextfind -case-insensitive -bundle-id -substring 'com.bit9' -print
  1. If kexts are not loaded run the following command
sudo kextload /path/to/kext.kext

Additional Information

  • If the kexts are not installed or loaded correctly the agent endpoint will be 'Unprotected'  
  • If any kexts are missing, the product must be reinstalled