CB Protection: Banning Hashes Through the API Causes Database Timeouts and Deadlocks
Article ID: 288819
Updated On:
Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)
Banning hashes through the API causes deadlocks, or frequent timeouts.
CB Protection Server: 8.0.0 - 8.1.0
CB Protection API
This is caused by the Rules table not being optimized by hash.
Instead of doing a lookup and banning by the hash instead:
Use the hash to query the FileCatalogID from the FileCatalog API
Use the FileCatalogID that is returned against the FileRule API
Additional Information
Because the FileCatalog API is indexed on the Hash values, then querying against this table is much more efficient. The FileRule API is indexed against the FileCatalogID, so this is also more efficient, when used together the query does not need to lock the tables for quite as long.