CB Protection: CB Protection Reporter Unable to Start Log Error States "ERROR DatabaseConnectionWrapper - Database task exception: ArchiveGetEvents - There is not enough space on the disk."
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CB Protection: CB Protection Reporter Unable to Start Log Error States "ERROR DatabaseConnectionWrapper - Database task exception: ArchiveGetEvents - There is not enough space on the disk."


Article ID: 288788


Updated On:


Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


  • CB Protection Repoter Service failing to start
  • Reporter log shows the error:
    ERROR DatabaseConnectionWrapper - Database task exception: ArchiveGetEvents - There is not enough space on the disk.


  • CB Protection Server: All Supported Versions
  • Microsoft Windows Server: All Supported Versions


Space on the disk is too small to generated the exported events. 


  1. Stop the CB Protection Server and CB Protection Reporter services
  2. Clean up the disk space, or apply additional space
  3. Start the Server and Reporter services