App Control: Reporter Service Not Starting After Initial Install
Article ID: 288738
Updated On:
Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)
ParityReporter service will not start
Errors in Windows Event Log show a crash on KernelBase.dll
ParityReporter.txt contains no logs
Running the ParityReporter.exe manually in CMD shows a permissions error writing a .tmp file
App Control Server: All Supported Versions
This issue is cause by the service account missing permissions to write to the installation folder
The folder path created by the installer expects US date/time format. In other clock settings such as English (Europe) the date/time format is not parsed correctly
Verify that the service account has Local Administrative Privileges
Verify in Local Security Policy that the account has "Logon as Service" and "Logon as Batch"
Set the App Control Server's clock settings to English (United States) while logged into the server as the App Control service account user.
Confirm "Short date" format is M/d/yyyy
Once permissions are applied, an uninstall and reinstall may be required
Additional Information
Additional information regarding required items can be found in the CB Protection User Guide, and CB Protection Server Installation Guide located here: CB Protection Documents