Remove the current Agent Upgrade or Prioritization requests:
From the Console: (Per Agent)
Assets > Computers > relevant Computer stuck in Waiting or Scheduled > View Details (pencil icon) > right-hand menu
Click Remove Agent Upgrade Request (if present).
Click Remove Prioritization of Updates (if present).
From SQL: (All Agents)
Log in to the application server as the Carbon Black Service Account.
Stop the Carbon Black App Control Server and Reporter services.
Launch SQL Server Management Studio and execute the following script:
use das
set nocount on
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Description:
-- 1. Remove prioritization of upgrades; and expire selected hosts session
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Step 1: declare variables
declare @cnt int;
declare @max int;
declare @tbl table (id int identity, host_id int)
-- Step 2: get hosts to remove prioritization of upgrades
INSERT INTO @tbl (host_id)
SELECT host_id FROM dbo.hostmain h WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE deleted = 0 AND upgrade_state < 0 -- forced upgrade requested through the menu (0x80000000)
SELECT @max = max(id), @cnt= 1 from @tbl ;
-- Step 3: loop; each host (and expiring the host)
while (@cnt <= @max)
declare @hostID int;
select @hostID = host_id from @tbl where id = @cnt;
print convert(varchar(3), @cnt) + ' host id: ' + convert(varchar(30), @hostID);
-- Change Upgrade State
UPDATE dbo.hostmain
SET upgrade_state=16 --Not requested
WHERE host_id = @hostID
-- Expire host
EXEC dbo.ExpireHostSession @hostID;
-- Update counter
set @cnt = @cnt + 1;
Start the Server & Reporter services.
Additional Information
In some instances simply restarting the App Control services will allow some Agents to begin upgrading, however this may only be a temporary workaround.
On Server 8.10.2 and Higher make sure that the AppCDownloads pool is running per this article