CB Protection: Notifier Not Displaying for Blocks by NT Authority/System
Article ID: 288729
Updated On:
Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)
Blocks by NT Authority System are not displayed on screen
CB Protection Server: All Supported Versions
Microsoft Windows: All Supported Versions
To reduce widespread blocks on terminal servers, block notifiers are only displayed by default to the user account that triggered them. So the notifier would only have shown if the user was logged in as the System account.
More information can be found in the User Guide in the section "Notifiers in Windows Session Virtualization" which can be found in CB Protection Product Documents
To change the default behavior the Notifier can be updated to display to all users.
Navigate in the CB Protection Console to Rules > Notifiers
Edit the Notifier you want to be displayed to all users
Add the following text to the end of the Notifier Text section:
Additional Information
Further information regarding the default, and other notifier options can be found within the CB Protection User Guide in the section "Notifiers in Windows Session Virtualization"