RC=12 with no messages, no warnings
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RC=12 with no messages, no warnings


Article ID: 28871


Updated On:


Easytrieve Report Generator


Running a CA Easytrieve job returns RC=12, but there are no error messages, no warnings, and no listing produced.



Easytrieve Report Generator, releases 11.5 and 11.6


To resolve this for release 11.5, please go to your JOB06EOP job in your CAIJCL library.

To resolve this for release 11.6, please go to your JOB06OP1 job in your CBAAJCL library.

Next, ensure that you issue this command correctly as documented in the comments of either JOB06EOP or JOB06OP1:

//*         C '@EZOPTBL@' 'DSN-of-new-EZOPTBL-file' ALL

This will change the //ASMINI.SYSIN   DD  * statement to contain the correct option file name.

The name of this option file will then be linked into the EZTINI member in your CAILIB for release 11.5 or CBAALOAD for release 11.6, and the CA Easytrieve job will then run successfully.