App Control: Does Rebooting Impact Agent Initialization?
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App Control: Does Rebooting Impact Agent Initialization?


Article ID: 288699


Updated On:


Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


Does rebooting the endpoint have any impact on Agent Initialization?


  • App Control Agent: All Versions
  • App Control Console: All Versions


A reboot during Initialization will cause the progress to report back to the Console as starting from 0%. After the reboot is complete the Agent will resume Initialization and skip over directories that have already been fully processed. The reported Initialization in the Console should quickly increase from 0% to the point it was before the reboot.

Additional Information

  • It is always recommend that the endpoint be rebooted using supported, "clean" shutdown procedures. This gives the Agent time to finish writing to the local database.
  • Hard power outages, holding the power button, crashing the operating system could cause corruption of the Agent's local database.