CB Defense: Why do Console Events show out of order near startup times or waking from sleep mode?
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CB Defense: Why do Console Events show out of order near startup times or waking from sleep mode?


Article ID: 288668


Updated On:


Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense)


Why do Console Events show out of order near startup times or waking from sleep mode?


  • CB Defense PSC Console: All Versions
  • CB Defense Sensor: All Versions
  • Microsoft Windows: All Versions


As the Device is starting Services and Applications the CB Defense Sensor prioritizes Policy enforcement over logging so time stamps may be incorrectly shown

Additional Information

  • As Services start there may be Events logged before the Sensor can enforce Policy
  • To avoid performance impact these Events may be delayed for upload
  • May show Events with timestamps during time Policy changes are being applied causing both Policies to be reported for the Event