CB Defense: 'CB Defense WSC' Service Will Not Start (Windows 7 x86)
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CB Defense: 'CB Defense WSC' Service Will Not Start (Windows 7 x86)


Article ID: 288661


Updated On:


Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense)


  • Windows Security Center (WSC) shows no anti-virus installed
  • CB Defense WSC Service does not start when Startup Type is set to Automatic
  • CB Defense WSC Service gives error message for "A Device attached to the system is not functioning" when manually started
  • Sensor continues to enforce Policy and communicate normally


  • CB Defense Sensor: 3.1 and higher
  • Microsoft Windows: Windows 7 32 bit
  • Windows Security Center


Windows Security Center (WSC) fails to register CB Defense Sensor as the installed AV even though CB Defense is active and working


Microsoft recommends updating to Windows 10, as Windows 7 SP 1 is currently in Extended Support which will end January 14, 2020.