Carbon Black Cloud: "Policy Criteria" cannot be edited in "Edit Sensor Group" option since the update of web console.
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Carbon Black Cloud: "Policy Criteria" cannot be edited in "Edit Sensor Group" option since the update of web console.


Article ID: 288643


Updated On:


Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense)


  • When Logged into CBC UI , navigate to "Edit sensor group"
  • While trying  to change "Policy Criteria", if the laguage is set to Japanese , it does not provide a dropdown to edit policy.
  • Changing language to English, policy setting can be change.


  • Carbon Black Cloud console: 0.69.2
  • Japanese Language Console


  • Primarily issue arising after the 0.69.2 update.
  • The issue is due to translation in the Japanese text for Edit Sensor Group - Policy Criteria text. The earlier translation for apply policy text did not have a placeholder (%s) for the policy name combo box.


  • The fix would be available in next major release of UI i..e 0.71 release which will be deployed on production boxes by end of October 2021.
  • The Japanese translations files are pushed to production to resolve the issue.