App Control: Can we use UPN or sAMAccountName user format to login
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App Control: Can we use UPN or sAMAccountName user format to login


Article ID: 288612


Updated On:


Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


  • Can we use UPN or sAMAccountName AD user format to login to App Control console?


  • App Control All Versions


  • Yes, We can use both UPN or sAMAccountName AD user format to login if below condition is met.
  • AD accounts in the same domain as the App Control Server can log in either with a fully qualified username or their username only (provided the username is not the same as a login account created directly using the console.


Additional Information

  • AD accounts in a different domain must use a fully qualified version of their name (i.e., in the format NTDOMAIN\Username or Username@dnsDomain