EDR: How to setup Postman using Rest API
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EDR: How to setup Postman using Rest API


Article ID: 288607


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Carbon Black EDR (formerly Cb Response)


How to setup Postman using REST API


  • CB Response all versions


Steps to configure Postman:

  1. Launch Postman.
  2. Create a new collection (folder) for your API requests.
  3. Create a new request and add it to the collection created in step 2.
  4. Select the request type as GET
  5. Enter the request URL - https://<CBRESPONSE-SERVER-URL>/api/v1/sensor
    • Example - https://cb-response-server.carbonblack.com/api/v1/sensor
  6. Under the API request, go to headers and add a new header:
    • Header key: X-Auth-Token
    • Header value: <API_KEY>
  7. Click send!
  8. If all goes well, view the response.

Additional Information

  • You don’t need to install Postman to use the REST API, the steps below can be done using curl on your command line.