Endpoint Standard: Background Scan Does Not Start On VDI Primary Image
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Endpoint Standard: Background Scan Does Not Start On VDI Primary Image


Article ID: 288605


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Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense) Carbon Black Cloud Enterprise EDR (formerly Cb Threathunter)


  • Sensor installed in primary image with VDI=1 parameter
  • Background scan never starts on virtual machines deployed from primary image


  • Carbon Black Cloud Console: All Versions
    • Endpoint Standard
  • Carbon Black Cloud Sensor: 2.1 -
  • Running the command "repcli ondemandscan" will return the following error message
C:\Program Files\Confer>repcli ondemandscan
Calling OnDemandScan with
OnDemandScan is disabled, due to this being a VDI Child environment



If the installation switch VDI=1 was used during the installation process, the background scan function will be disabled for the primary image and all children/clones


To enable background scan on a primary image where VDI=1 has been used:
  1. Uninstall the sensor using these instructions
    (warning: any children deployed from the primary image will be subject to de-registration)
  2. Re-install the sensor without using VDI=1 and use the RepCLI re-registration process
  3. Once installed, move the new master image sensor into a policy that has background scan enabled
  4. Deploy child sensors to a policy that has background scan disabled

Additional Information

  • This functionality will be changed in sensors
  • Attempting to force a background scan by using repcli ondemandscan c: will not bypass the VDI=1 lock.