App Control: What are the differences between crawl levels of trusted directories?
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App Control: What are the differences between crawl levels of trusted directories?


Article ID: 288573


Updated On:


Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


What are the differences between a top-level crawl and a deep crawl for a Windows trusted directory?


  • App Control console: All versions
  • Microsoft Windows: All supported versions


Top Level Crawl (Windows only)

  • A top-level crawl is the default crawl performed on Microsoft Windows endpoints for files added to a trusted directory
  • Archive files (such as 7zip, bzip2, cab, gzip, iscab, iso, MSCompress, rar, zip, or tar files) in the trusted directory will have the contents expanded and crawled
  • Any archives within an archive file will not have the contents expanded and crawled

Deep Level Crawl (Windows only)

  • A deep crawl is an optional crawl which can be enabled on Microsoft Windows endpoints
  • Archive files in the trusted directory will have the contents expanded and crawled
  • Any archives within an archive file will also be expanded and crawled

Additional Information

  • WIM files are typically not considered an archive by default
  • This can be manually configured as explained in the User Guide