App Control: What are the differences between crawl levels of trusted directories?
Article ID: 288573
Updated On:
Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)
What are the differences between a top-level crawl and a deep crawl for a Windows trusted directory?
App Control console: All versions
Microsoft Windows: All supported versions
Top Level Crawl (Windows only)
A top-level crawl is the default crawl performed on Microsoft Windows endpoints for files added to a trusted directory
Archive files (such as 7zip, bzip2, cab, gzip, iscab, iso, MSCompress, rar, zip, or tar files) in the trusted directory will have the contents expanded and crawled
Any archives within an archive file will not have the contents expanded and crawled
Deep Level Crawl (Windows only)
A deep crawl is an optional crawl which can be enabled on Microsoft Windows endpoints
Archive files in the trusted directory will have the contents expanded and crawled
Any archives within an archive file will also be expanded and crawled
Additional Information
WIM files are typically not considered an archive by default
This can be manually configured as explained in the User Guide