App Control: failed to move computers across policies in the console.
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App Control: failed to move computers across policies in the console.


Article ID: 288568


Updated On:


Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


  • Not able to change endpoint polices in the console. 
  • Endpoint attributes like hostname not getting updated in the console. 
  • Endpoints not able to connect to the App Control Server.
  • In the serverlogs.bt9 the following error message exists: 
Statement returned error [241]: [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Conversione non riuscita durante la conversione di una stringa di caratteri in una data o ora. Statement: SET NOCOUNT ON;{CALL dbo.RegisterHost (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}


  • App Control Console: All versions
  • App Control Server: All versions
  • Microsoft SQL Server: All versions
    • Non-English language service account user


SQL service account user language is not set to English 


  1. In the App Control Server stop the following services: "CB Protection Server" and "CB Protection Reporter".
  2. Open SQL server management studio and logon into the DAS database.
  3. From object explorer, Go To 'Security'->'Logins'
  4. Right Click on the account used by App Control Server services and select Properties
  5. Change the default language to English.
  6. Save the change.
  7. In the App Control Server start the following services: "CB Protection Server" and "CB Protection Reporter".