EDR: Does Proxy Setting Get Overwritten on Sensor Upgrade
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EDR: Does Proxy Setting Get Overwritten on Sensor Upgrade


Article ID: 288558


Updated On:


Carbon Black EDR (formerly Cb Response)


If I have a custom proxy setting in my sensor configuration, will that be overwritten when upgrading the sensor?


  • EDR Sensor: All Versions
  • Microsoft Windows: All Supported Versions
  • Linux: All Supported Versions


Upgrading via ConsoleXXProxy config setting will persist

Upgrading manually (via MSI)

X Proxy config setting will persist 
Upgrading manually (via sh) XProxy config setting will be overwritten

Additional Information


Windows will take configurations / settings found in the sensorsettings.ini file and write them to the registry. Default configurations will be updated with each upgrade. Custom configurations (like proxy) where no default value is present will persist unless:

  1. Uninstalled
  2. Deliberately overwritten with a new value from sensorsettings.ini
The above applies to MSI or console upgrades.


Linux will take the sensorsettings.ini which comes packaged with the sensor archive and write it to:
Upgrading from the console will preserve the settings. Upgrading manually via running the shell script which comes packaged with the sensor archive will overwrite the existing sensorsettings.ini in that directory, thereby overwriting any custom configurations.