App Control: Kernel Assertion errors seen in the console
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App Control: Kernel Assertion errors seen in the console


Article ID: 288544


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Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


The console shows warning events similar to this one

Cb Protection Agent detected a problem: There have been 5 kernel assertions since the last health check Total[112] LastAssertion[18854296 ms ago]. Options[00000003] TotalFailures[1] FailureId[778]


  • CB Protection Agent: All Supported Versions


Kernel assertion warnings are generally seen when an unexpected input was seen during processing of data.


  • Unless in the hundreds or thousands of assertions, kernel assertion errors can be ignored.
  • These messages were originally intended to be internal troubleshooting messages, and in almost all cases, do not represent any issue with the agent.

Additional Information

As these messages were intended to be internal debugging messages, there is an open request to have these removed from display in the console to avoid unnecessary concern.

The request can be found / voted on here: