What happens if ITCM Application Server's IP Address gets changed, can it effect the overall communication of the Product components ?
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What happens if ITCM Application Server's IP Address gets changed, can it effect the overall communication of the Product components ?


Article ID: 28853


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CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager CA Client Automation


Does changing the IP Address of the ITCM application servers effect the overall communication of the Product components?


CA Client Automation - All Versions


If you are just changing the IP address, all should be fine as long as your network resolves the same hostname and/or FQDN to the new IP Address.           ITCM components rely on CAM (CA Message Queuing) which relies on DNS.Hence, making sure that DNS resolves the new IP address on ITCM application servers will ensure that there are no communication issues. 

You may want to flush DNS on the MDB server, and all of the ITCM application servers after the IP address changes to ensure that the DNS records are refreshed. 

If you had any hosts file entries on any of these servers referencing the old IP Address, it needs to be updated with the new IP address as well.

Also in the “%cai_msq%\cam.cfg” files, if you made any custom configuration for routing to the old IP address, it needs to be updated with the new IP address.   

Additional Information

Do not change the hostname or FQDN as this is not supported and it will break ITCM infrastructure.