App Control Agent: What triggers USN Journal Cache Consistency check?
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App Control Agent: What triggers USN Journal Cache Consistency check?


Article ID: 288441


Updated On:


Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


  •  What triggers USN Journal Cache Consistency check?
  •  Cache Consisteny Check events reported to App Control Server  
Cache consistency check started Level[Full scan of new files] Options[USN Journal] Type[3] Flags[00000400] Number[1]



  • App Control Agent: All Versions


  • NTFS volumes have a feature called USN journaling
  • This feature logs file changes and allows a software such App Control Agent to detect file changes that have occurred while the software was not running
  • By default,  the App Control Agent is configured to run a cache consistency check whenever it detect these file changes
  • New volumes appearing that the Agent did not see before also count as a trigger to do the rescan.
  • This rescan can be disabled by setting the agent config_prop "usn_journal_flags" to "0"